This collapsible camping folding basket is very practical whether indoor or outdoor. It won’t occupy your backpack or your luggage case much room. You just need to put it in the corner and keep your stuff minimize bulky. Its light weight and foldable design is very suitable for camping, picnic, hiking and other outdoor activities. Take the basin and enjoy your travelling now.
– Filled with water and stand on flat ground that will not fall down.
– Lightweight and portable, folding design, easy to store and space saving.
– It can be folded and wrapped when not in use, and will not collapse after pouring the water.
– Multiple applications, suitable for for camping, picnic, hiking and other outdoor activities.
– Dual handles for easy carrying as a basket; sturdy, plastic rim and base for stability.
Hot & Cold Water: Yes
Installation Type: Sitting
Material: Plastic
Number of Handles: Dual Handle
Specification: 33cm
Style: Dual Holder Single Hole
Surface Finishing: Plastic
Surface Treatment: Normal
Transparency: Opaque
Type: Portable
Valve Core Material: Plastic
Package weight: 0.757 kg
Package Size(L x W x H): 34.00 x 34.00 x 5.00 cm / 13.39 x 13.39 x 1.97 inches
Package Contents: 1 x Washbasin

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